As with any Canyon Ranch trip or most training classes, participants are inspired and motivated during the experience. However, maintaining the motivation to implement what they have learned becomes difficult once they return to the work environment where the key concepts are not yet indoctrinated into their life and the company culture.
Individual Coaching Keeps you on track
A key part of this solution is the individual coaching that participants receive after the fact to help them implement what they’ve learned and to in turn role model the behaviors and make them a part of the culture.
To enhance the value of the trip and/or training, at least 3 coaching sessions are recommended over the next 90-120 day period, with the first one starting within three weeks of their trip and/or training. Periodic check-ups can be provided as needed once the 3 sessions are complete.
Participants who have benefitted from 1:1 coaching in the past have experienced much higher success implementing their goals and becoming a stronger role model for their teams.